Supporting Public Services
Before Covid-19 hit the world, I produced a creative campaign that focused on running a charity event with
local heroes near our pubs who played a role in one way
or another. The campaign was meant to launch April but was later revisited to highlight those who have been important throughout the pandemic. Once I'd locked
in the logo design, the rest of the design followed on
from that using bright colours and comic
visual elements.
Supporting Public Services
Before Covid-19 hit the world, I produced
a creative campaign that focused on running
a charity event with local heroes near our pubs who played a role in one way or another.
The campaign was meant to launch April but was later revisited to highlight those who have
been important throughout the pandemic. Once I'd locked in the logo design, the rest
of the design followed on from that using bright colours and comic visual elements.
Supporting Public Services
Before Covid-19 hit the world, I produced a creative campaign that focused on running a charity event with local heroes near our pubs who played a role in one way or another. The campaign was meant to launch April but was later revisited
to highlight those who have been important throughout the pandemic. Once I'd locked in the logo design, the rest of the design followed on from that using
bright colours and comic visual elements.
© 2023 Connor Redding
© 2023 Connor Redding