Community Food Refresh

New Menu Launch

With the new menu ready to launch I was tasked with created a lunch menu to sit with the new menus along with a selection of social assets. This included a countdown till launch and some 30% offer assets to follow to continue promoting the new range with an enticing offer.

Community Food Refresh

New Menu Launch

With the new menu ready to launch I was tasked with created a lunch menu to sit with the new menus along with a selection of social assets. This included a countdown till launch and some 30% offer assets to follow to continue promoting the new range with an enticing offer.

Community Food Refresh

New Menu Launch

With the new menu ready to launch I was tasked with created a lunch menu
to sit with the new menus along with a selection of social assets. This included
a countdown till launch and some 30% offer assets to follow to continue promoting the new range with an enticing offer.

© 2023 Connor Redding